
Legal Notice

Media owner

pink robin gmbh
Hans-Roth-Straße 1
8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz
Legal structure: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (private limited company)
Headquarters: Feldkirchen bei Graz
Company registration number: 216239z
Court of registration: Graz regional court for civil matters
UID: ATU 53080204

Business purpose: The purpose of the business is to act as a service provider for the provision of digitised waste management and associated commercial activities.

Professional law: Waste Management Act,
commercial code: www.ris.bka.gv.at

Supervisory authority: Office of the Styrian Provincial Government, Graz-Umgebung Regional Administrative Authority

Send information, details and complaints to:
Mail: office@wastebox.biz
Tel: +43 (0) 59 800 3000


Although their content was checked carefully at the time of inclusion, we are unable to accept any liability for external links. Only the operators of external websites are responsible for their content. However, if we later discover that we have included links to sites containing illegal content, these links will be removed immediately.

Online dispute resolution

The European Commission has made available a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) (in accordance with Art. 14, Sec. 1 ODR-VO). The platform can be found at:
ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/gal Notice